Pastor Eric M. Carswell
Pastor Carswell accepted Christ at an early age, at William Chapel Baptist Church of East Dublin, GA. Even in his youth, he took his faith seriously and it was evidenced by his activeness in the Church ministries and his participation in activities outside of his church at the district and state level.
He has developed a Consummate reputation as a teacher, preacher, pastor, motivator, and entrepreneur. As an ordained minister since July 29, 2012, he has touched the lives of countless individuals with his resounding message of hope and empowerment. His ministry crosses racial, cultural, generational, and social boundaries to present the Gospel of Jesus the Christ in a way that is fresh and insightful. Pastor Carswell fervently believes the Great Commission of the Church is to go and make disciples of every being. His vision combines his belief that for the 1st Century church to be successful we must incorporates evangelism discipleship and church planting as integral priorities in our ministry strategies. It is the church that has the awesome responsibility of transforming sinners into saints, the helpless into the helpful and believers into Christians.
On the first day of September 2001, God blessed Pastor Carswell with greatest gift he could receive in the person of his wife, Kimberly Carswell. They have been married for over twenty years. Her passion, zeal and creativity for God are tremendous assets to the body of Christ at large. She keeps him grounded and organized with her belief in him and encouraging words to keep pressing forward.
Pastor Carswell is the President and CEO of Carswell Charolais Farms and Eric’s Landscaping as well as the Site Supervisor for Moye & Associates Construction Company. He serves as President of the First Rehoboth Association Congress of Christian Education and the Baptist Minister’s Union of Laurens and surrounding counties. His educational studies include Tuskegee University, Brewton Parker College, Bryant Theological Seminary extension of Dublin, GA and Southeastern School of Theology. Along with many other training courses through the national and state conventions.